We are constantly searching the United States to find places you can buy Park
Model Homes.  We do not endorse any of these companies, we simply aim to give
you the as many options as possible to help your search for a Park Model Home.  
If you are a dealer of Park Models in Iowa please send a link to your website to
admin@tinygreenhouses.com and we will be glad to add your company to the

Tiny Houses and Park Models in Iowa

Right now I don't have many listings for tiny house builders located in Iowa but there are
definitely people who live in this state who are very interested in tiny homes.  Here are a couple
of interesting links

Tiny House Iowa City
This is a whole group of tiny house enthusiasts.  It looks like they
also have a facebook page which has more up to date information.

Iowa 13 year old builds tiny house
This is an amazing story with a youtube video about a Dubuque, IA
boy who built his own tiny house in his back yard.

Tiny Vastu Cabin
Fairfield, Iowa company who only build in Iowa.  Starting at only
Tiny Green Houses